Sains Malaysiana 52(11)(2023): 3013-3026


Identification of Mud Volcano’s Structure using Gravity Satellite and Fault Fracture Density Analysis: Case Study: Ciuyah Mud Volcano, Kuningan, West Java

(Pengenalpastian Struktur Gunung Berapi Lumpur menggunakan Satelit Graviti dan Analisis Ketumpatan Fraktur Sesar: Kajian Kes: Gunung Berapi Lumpur Ciuyah, Kuningan, Jawa Barat)




1Geophysics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia

2Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Earth Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesia

3Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia

4Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang, Indonesia

5Physics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro, Indonesia


Diserahkan: 6 Disember 2022/Diterima: 3 November 2023



Mud volcanoes, known as mud extrusion phenomenon, is a geological feature that expels suspended fine-grained sedimentary materials and fluids to the surface due to buoyancy and pressure difference. This geological feature is found almost all over the world and formed in compressional tectonic environments, one of which is the Ciuyah Mud Volcano, Kuningan, Indonesia. Previous studies have shown that the appearance of the mud volcano was influenced by tectonic activity that formed a ‘hypothetical’ fault structure as a pathway for mud migration and extrusion to the surface. Integration of geophysical studies using satellite gravity and geology using fault fracture density analysis was conducted to prove the existence of the ‘hypothetical’ fault structure. The results show that the mud volcano site is located in a low to high gravity anomaly pattern associated with significant density contrast differentiation followed by the maximum value of FHD and low-high SVD pattern oriented west southwest - east northeast (WSW - ENE). The gravity anomaly pattern can be associated with the presence of faults. This is reinforced by the fault fracture density map which shows that the mud volcano site is located in a medium to high fracture density zone (weak zone) associated with good permeability conditions below the surface. Thus, the research results have proven the existence of a ‘hypothetical’ fault as the migration and extrusion pathway of Ciuyah Mud Volcano mud that has been studied previously.


Keywords: Ciuyah Mud Volcano; fault fracture density; GGMPlus; gravity methods



Gunung berapi lumpur yang dikenali sebagai fenomena penyemperitan lumpur adalah ciri geologi yang mengeluarkan bahan sedimen halus yang digantung dan cecair ke permukaan kerana perbezaan keapungan dan tekanan. Ciri geologi ini terdapat hampir di seluruh dunia dan terbentuk dalam persekitaran tektonik mampatan, salah satunya ialah Gunung Lumpur Ciuyah, Kuningan, Indonesia. Hasil penyelidikan terdahulu menunjukkan bahawa kemunculan gunung berapi lumpur dipengaruhi oleh aktiviti tektonik yang membentuk struktur kesalahan ‘hipotetikal’ sebagai laluan penghijrahan dan penyemperitan lumpur ke permukaan. Integrasi kajian geofizik menggunakan graviti dan daya geologi menggunakan analisis ketumpatan patah kerosakan telah dijalankan untuk membuktikan kewujudan struktur kesalahan ‘hipotetikal’. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa tapak gunung berapi lumpur berada dalam corak anomali graviti rendah hingga tinggi yang berkaitan dengan pembezaan kontras ketumpatan yang ketara diikuti oleh nilai FHD maksimum dan corak SVD tinggi rendah berorientasikan barat daya - timur laut (WSW - ENE). Corak graviti anomali sedemikian boleh dikaitkan dengan kehadiran kesalahan. Ini diperkukuhkan oleh peta ketumpatan patah kerosakan yang menunjukkan tapak gunung berapi lumpur yang terletak di zon ketumpatan patah sederhana hingga tinggi yang berkaitan dengan keadaan kebolehtelapan yang baik di bawah permukaan. Oleh itu, hasil kajian telah membuktikan kewujudan kesalahan ‘hipotetikal’ sebagai laluan penghijrahan dan penyemperitan untuk lumpur Lumpur Gunung Berapi Ciuyah yang telah dikaji sebelum ini.


Kata kunci: GGMPlus; Gunung Lumpur Ciuyah; kaedah graviti; ketumpatan fraktur sesar



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